During the last school term we have been working on machines.
We have created complex machines out of simple machines.
Have a look at some pics of the process!
You can also watch the videos we recorded attached to a classroom material.
During the last school term we have been working on machines.
We have created complex machines out of simple machines.
Have a look at some pics of the process!
You can also watch the videos we recorded attached to a classroom material.
Els grups de quart hem visitat el gran mercat de Barcelona.
Hi hem trobat fruites i hortalisses de qualitat i proximitat, i d'altres de més lluny i exòtiques.
Hem parlat sobre la importància de menjar 5 verdures i fruites al dia, hem fet un taller de gust i a l'hora de dinar ens han convidat a amanida i postres!
Podeu accedir a les imatges de la sortida clicant a la imatge: